The Fingering Forum
Author: Erica
Date: 2010-02-16 00:27
Hello everyone!
None of you probably remember me. I posted avidly on this forum back from May 2004 until July 2004. I played and was really passionate about clarinet.
For a while, however, I had other plans and other interests. I spent four years doing my undergraduate work in jazz composition/arranging in a music conservatory, with piano as my primary instrument. And the clarinet just stood quitely and idly in my bedroom back in Albany for those four years without ever being taken out.
Jazz Composition and Piano are still by far my primary interests, but I've been starting to pick up the clarinet again. Man, are the sounds nowadays murderous! I notice, very likely from not playing for 4/5 years, that all my mouth muscles get worn out after about 10-15 minutes.
I used to be on at least an hour/day routine, if not more, prior to my undergrad years. Any advice on how to "shape back up" into a regular routine?
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Author: tictactux ★2017
Date: 2010-02-20 18:40
Well - I guess you answered your question yourself. Dedicate an hour (or half an hour, or whatever you can spare) to practicing, preferrably each day. Doesn't really matter what exactly you're practicing as long as it keeps you interested enough to noodle on a regular basis.
Long tones help, and the usual scales and arpeggios are rarely lost time. You'll find that within some weeks you're back into your old shape, not just embouchure-wise. Your body's muscle memory is very good, it just needs some tickling.
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Author: plclemo
Date: 2010-06-21 12:15
I'm just now reading this (as I am a relatively new user of the BBoards) but thought I'd give my input anyway. I did not play my clarinet from 1983 until 2006. That's a VERY LONG TIME! I picked it up in September 2006 when my husband said "I'll join the church choir IF and ONLY IF you will join the orchestra!" He has a WONDERFUL Baritone voice! It sounded like a challenge to me and I'm usually up for a good challenge. So I dusted off my clarinet, took it to the shop for new corks and pads, and began to play again. It's kind of like riding a bicycle. You don't really "forget how" you're just a little rusty at first. My lips, cheeks, jaw, and other parts were SORE the first few weeks and I thought I'd NEVER be able to breathe again! But I have since gotten all the parts and my lungs back into shape and am playing as well as I did in High School. Just keep at it and you'll do fine!
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Author: Funfly
Date: 2013-11-09 20:31
Interesting reading this thread about memory.
I played clarinet when I was 16 in 1954 but stopped after a few months because my mouth became sore.
At the age of 75 I bought a clarinet and started taking lessons again.
The interesting thing is that as soon as I picked up the instrument my fingers fitted (almost) correctly over the holes and I was able to get my bottom register notes instantly.
So in some way I had 'remembered' after nearly 60 years.
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Author: TAS
Date: 2014-02-13 23:37
Never get discouraged. You can do it with regular (daily) practice with a comfortable mouthpiece and a stable may be different than what you played on earlier.
Pares Daily Exercises and Scales for Clarinet
Carl Baermann Complete Celebrated Method For Clarinet, Book Two (finger exercises and neat etudes)
go from there..
I know. I had a lengthy layoff and came back to where I love playing the instrument.
You CAN do it!!
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