The Fingering Forum
Author: Alto Sax
Date: 2006-10-18 20:34
Im new to the hole ocarina thing, but a couple of my friends have the songbird pendant ocainas and they were pretty cool, playing zelda and all. so my grandparents bought me and 8 hole (6 on top, 2 on bottom) ocarina, which i now know is peruvian in nature. i have searched all over for music and fingering charts, and i have seen lots of posts on this as well.
for some zelda music go to this site
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Author: Alto Sax
Date: 2006-10-18 20:35
and for a fingering cart go to this:
i have those songs now, but i am still interested in some more good old zelda songs, so if u find any please help me out
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Author: Alto Sax
Date: 2006-10-18 21:01
I am also wondering if since there is hardly any music for the peruvian, if i should go for a songbird ocarina, any ideas?
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Author: Gnomon
Date: 2006-10-18 22:56
The biggest problem with the Peruvian ocarina is that it has a very limited range, so there are very few tunes that will fit on it. The Mountain Ocarina has a bigger range (an octave and a fourth), which means that there are more tunes you can play on the instrument. I don't know the ranges for other types.
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Author: Alto Sax
Date: 2006-10-19 20:27
Thanks for the info, i will look around and see what ocarinas i like, and in the mean time practice with mine, maybe try to figure out some fingerings for some songs.
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