The Fingering Forum
Author: =)
Date: 2002-02-14 11:51
I am a flautist and i just picked up the alto sax as 2nd instrument and i'm doing VERY well in both.
fingerings of woodwinds are rather similar with flute recorder and saxophones being the most similar.
also i find it quite disappointing to see that ppl can't even spell SAXOPHONE but instead saxAphone.
personally i think flute and sax can go well for me.. but as for u, its entirely up to u. so far for the past few months i have no embouchure problems, and my flute tone is still as good, saxophone tone is improving fast.
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Author: Bassoonbob
Date: 2002-02-14 21:38
good for you best of luck and wishes on your sax experience(uh however you spell it lol)=) SAXES ROCK!so do bassoons and oboes
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