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 The band geeks are taking over!!!
Author: Ambrosia 
Date:   2004-11-06 17:32

dont let the name mislead you. i am refering to my high school. about 15% of the school is in band, and the band kids are favored by the superintendant and the school board. our football team isnt that great, but the band at our school is great. usually band geeks are made fun of, but now people at my school dont look down at us as much. exept for the soccor coach...grrr...yeah, this topic doesnt really have a point, but i think it is awesome that bandgeeks are taking over our school. lol. any similar stories?

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 RE: The band geeks are taking over!!!
Author: Dori 
Date:   2004-11-06 21:48

Doesn't everyone go to football games just to see the Marching Band? <g>

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 RE: The band geeks are taking over!!!
Author: billy the bari player 
Date:   2004-11-07 01:18

yeah, at our school, we're not shunned. we are pretty respected, along with the football team (which just made playoffs) the cheerleaders (that are going to a competition in australia) and so on. so yeah, not that big of a deal round here. lol. good to know that band geeks are getting the much deserved respect.

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 RE: The band geeks are taking over!!!
Author: elanah 
Date:   2004-11-07 17:34

not really similar..
im a freshman and our band is a little less than 10% of our school
the teachers look down on us and some try to fail us on purpose(no kidding)
our football team is average and ging to the playoffs now.
the school pays no attention to us unless we win something which happen but not too often
the only popular people in band are the drumline
the band are the only people who stand up for each other. if your in band you can basicly say goobye to all your friends who arent in band because they are ashamed to be seen with you.
in junior high you would barely know the band existed
in high school we are surpressed
we are litterally told in band camp that "these people are your friends for school and they are the only people who will be your friends"
please send a conforting word...

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 RE: The band geeks are taking over!!!
Author: Ryan 
Date:   2004-11-07 22:17

that must suck ALOT. you have my sympathy! at my school, the band "people" rn't nessecarily (my spellings bad lol) the "cool" or popular people, but we are respected, and not rejected just because we are in band. other non music teachers find the music amazing, and enjoy it, in fact almost every teacher at the jr high where i go comes to the concerts. Alothough, at my school, less people are going into band. This year in my (not mine but im in it lol) gr 9 band, theres only 26 players, and at the high school, the grade 11 and 12 bands had to be combined, because both where so small, and theres 1400 kids in that school!.... but on the other hand, in the gr 8 band this year, thers about 110 ppl, so mayb the "demand" is going up, i dont know lol. but elanah, thats sad!! we have lotsa fun in class, and get the music done too. Well, thers my speech lol cya l8r everyone,

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 RE: The band geeks are taking over!!!
Author: Mike Clarinet 
Date:   2004-11-08 08:12

Translating to the UK... We don't generally have school marching band in the same way, but the sentiments are the same. When I was at school (20+ yrs ago), the football, rugby and cricket teams did moderately well in competitions... the school orchestra won its class in National Festival and played in the Albert Hall on TV (only THE most prestigious London Venue... brag, brag). Not many amateur sport people can say they've played at Twickenham (for rugby) or Wembley (soccer) Most of the sport people don't play anymore, most of the music people still do, one or two are now professionals. I do get teased at work though, for liking classical music, but I can put Classic FM on the radio and say 'I've played that', which does generally create some kudos. The upshot of this rambling...If you enjoy playing music, who gives a **** what anyone else thinks? You've got an interest for life that you can actively participate in.

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 RE: The band geeks are taking over!!!
Author: E_Horn 
Date:   2004-11-08 14:16

The school practically shut down when the band skipped two days of school for a festival in Chicago. We are 20% of our school.

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 The evangelical Christians are taking over!!!
Author: Fingerer 
Date:   2004-11-09 11:45

Do me a favor and don't *really* go to war with your neighboring schools.

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 RE: The band geeks are taking over!!!
Author: Lindsay 
Date:   2004-11-09 20:05

Hah... Our band has 20 players, well, the marching band, anyway. My friend Jon and I are the only two woodwinds during marching season. There used to be 3, but Jon's fellow clarinet player was a little... well... stupid... and she quit. I play the piccolo, its awesome. Our 20 person band is surprisingly good, considering its a 20 person band... hah

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 RE: The band geeks are taking over!!!
Author: Jack 
Date:   2004-11-10 00:44

Hey Guys and Gals:
Don't ever be ashamed of being in the band. I played and still play sax since years before you were born. The old football players are nursing bad knees, bruised kidneys and bald heads. I am still enjoying music and playing in three different bands. Keep your heads high. Time will prove you as winners.

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 RE: The band geeks are taking over!!!
Author: Ambrosia 
Date:   2004-11-10 01:40

yeah, that is awesome advice, at least you CAN take music somewhere in your life, whereas becoming a pro football player isnt much of a goal. oh, and have fun with whatever your doing over there fingerer, but whatever it is, id rather not know. thanks everyone, i love hearing stories from other bandgeeks.

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 RE: The band geeks are taking over!!!
Author: Ryan 
Date:   2004-11-12 02:09

I'm just curious, how many instruments does the "average" band geek play? lol

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 RE: The band geeks are taking over!!!
Author: Ambrosia 
Date:   2004-11-12 02:46

I play clarinet flute and alto...

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 RE: The band geeks are taking over!!!
Author: TENORsaxBOY 
Date:   2004-11-12 04:42

I live in Danville, Kentucky. This is a little town of around 20,000 some odd people. I am a freshman in high school this year. There is no seperation between the "preps" and the "geeks". I am a tenor saxophonist and I am also one of the most popular people in the school. In fact, the whole intire band is popular. If you are not in band or play football you are nothing! most football players are in band. well, every year, for homecommming, a band memeber wins either homecomming Queen or King. This year for homecomming, I won freshman homecomming King! and then the sophmore homecomming queen was a flutist, the junior homecomming king was a percusisonist and a clarinetist won the Senir homecomming nomination. So, that proves, if you are in band... you are not a geek, unless your gothinc, but thats a different story! :) ;):P

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 RE: The band geeks are taking over!!!
Author: Bruce Almighty 
Date:   2004-11-12 23:21

Im bruce... Boy of Wonder... and your right band geeks are taking over...Woot... my football team won three games this year thus brakeing the 8 year loseing streak which i can say firmly WE SUCK!!! But im am your advarge Freshmen trumpet player i play out of turn whenever somthing bad happens my name is the first to pop up... whatever i can do and get away with will be done. and of corse the trumpet dudes... and the drummers are always the hottest guys in the band.... yeah and if you eva wanna talk to me my AIM s/n is (boys gone silly)

...maybe i am a geek...

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 RE: The band geeks are taking over!!!
Author: Ambrosia 
Date:   2004-11-14 06:04

if you go on ebay and do a search for like, i did clarinet because i play that. and go to list by cheapest. there is a beware of clarinets stickers. if you click on the link you can go to he ebay store and they have all kinds, like a sticker that says i have the biggest d*ck in the band, it also comes on a tshirt. i thought that was hilarious. im a chick, but i might get that for myself just because it is funny. my aim has temporarily gone stupid. grrr.

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 RE: The band geeks are taking over!!!
Author: Klee 
Date:   2004-11-14 23:29

Grr to all you schools with big bands! hehe. At my school theres ~800 students and a band of 46 people... that's it, 46. With a drumline of.... 10 people, thats a quarter of the band! As far as popularity, it dosen't really matter to anyone weather you are or aren't in band, people tend to not remember or anything. BUT... at least 80% of my friends are in band and 5% in choir... I've met tons of people and gotten to know lots because I'm in band. We have soo much fun doing dumb stuff together because we see eachother out side of class and stuff too. It's, sadly, almost like a big family of 47 (counting the teacher) we all know eachother really well and stuff. Band geeks will one day rule the world!!! lol. (btw: I play clarinet in concert and pep/marching, tenor in jazz and piano on the side)

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 RE: The band geeks are taking over!!!
Author: Ambrosia 
Date:   2004-11-15 00:08

i think 2 words pretty much sum it up... GO CLARINETS!

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 RE: The band geeks are taking over!!!
Author: max 
Date:   2004-11-19 00:09

yo my names max from Burbank California. Its all about the Tento SAx it can play march concert jazz classical w/e u name it i love Marching band i seem to be the only one who can accually roll my fett lol E mail and weel talk about well... band

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 RE: The band geeks are taking over!!!
Author: Rachael 
Date:   2004-11-19 14:37

YAY!!! Band geeks frickin rock!! CLARINETS ARE AWESOME!

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 RE: The band geeks are taking over!!!
Author: Red 
Date:   2004-11-21 22:37

At my school the band is made up of the "POPULAR" kids. I guess it's because our band is a southern marching band that freaks it (that means dance)and play's hip hop and r&b music that everyone enjoys. People call us the mighty sounds of the south and we are not only popular but very respected. Everyone in the school wants to be in our band but we cant let everyone in. The people we cant let in want to hang out with us or be friends with us just because were in the band. So at my school, if u not in the band your a geek..... I know that sounds backwards but its true..

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 RE: The band geeks are taking over!!!
Date:   2004-11-22 03:33

ahhh...band groupies, i know what ya mean.

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 RE: The band geeks are taking over!!!
Author: sheridan ram kid 
Date:   2004-11-22 15:10

hey everyone sheridan is the best 3a band ever and next year we will win and i look foward to our concert season if you have any comments on sheridan ramland band please feel free to email me at coloradojock16@yahoo.com

Thank you

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 RE: The band geeks are taking over!!!
Author: Morgan and Sarah 
Date:   2004-12-01 02:55

I totally understand! My friend Sarah and I are in our third year of university and we were talking the other day about how much we loved being in band in high school. Our last year was the best year. Our band went to Calgary for Musicfest Nationals. We received a Silver Standing, not a Gold, but hell we were in Calgary! Our band was better than the football team and we got more respect from teachers and cafeteria ladies etc. The band consisted of cool kids, geeks, jocks, punks, and hippies. We were all a mixture of things, but we all had the love of music in common and when we played together it was like a well oiled machine.

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 RE: The band geeks are taking over!!!
Author: piratical 
Date:   2004-12-01 03:28

I play Cornet....yeah well, last year at my school, band was the worst thing you could ever do to ruin you. we got no respect at all, we weren't included in pep ralleys even though we were the ones making the pep, we werent chose for anything, and we got no recognition at football games or on announcements the day after the games...it would always be "good job team and cheerleaders! yall really made the game fun!" and chorus would always be favoured over band...then one day my friend anthony and i got SO freaking fed up, that we staged a protest. we made big signs at one of the football games and at quarter breaks and half time we would walk up and down in front of the bleachers to show everyone how much we hated being invisible and that WE deserved some respect. in the end, we were recognized and people remembered that protest...i was ridiculed for it by the cheerleaders, but at least i was standing up for something other than uber short skirts and lots of pelvic thrusting. i am just amazed that there wasnt a picture taken for the year book...not that that was my purpose (which a lot of parents [chorus/football/cheer parents mind you] thought), but it would have been nice to show something other than all good about our school....I AM A BAND GEEK AND I'M PROUD!

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Author: Ambrosia 
Date:   2004-12-05 07:32

ok, what you shouldve done was find a stupid moron who doesnt think very much, and get them to go streaking across the field in the middle of the game with a gian sign that says go band. that wouldve been sweet.

Oh, and andrew sanchez, when please dont go around talking under the name ram kid or sheridan high school, use your actual name or ill tell everyone anyways your dork.

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 RE: piratical
Author: andrew 
Date:   2004-12-06 23:41

shut up ambrosia

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 RE: The band geeks are taking over!!!
Author: Brad 
Date:   2004-12-08 17:02

It's about time that the band geeks get some respect, now only if that would happen at my school. ooooo EUPHONIUMS ROCK ! ! !

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