The Fingering Forum
Author: d-oboe
Date: 2004-11-11 03:45
I read about clarinet mouthpieces, and I was compelled to ask anyone knowledgeable...does the material of the staple make any difference to the sound?
I was being persuaded by one of my colleagues to: "try out the new Chudnow staples because they have such a nice dark sound". I personally cannot be convinced that the staple *really* has an effect on tone quality, as much as the way the reed is scraped, and even more, the human resonance.
Any thoughts?
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Author: Brilliance
Date: 2004-11-12 04:33
I don't think the material of the staple has very much to do with the tone quality. I agree with you that it is more based on the reed's overall look/scrape and the player's ability to create the correct embouchure with air support, etc. My private teacher, though, tried making a reed on one of the staples you mentioned that were "so dark" in tone, and she said she couldn't even make a decent reed on them.
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