The Fingering Forum
Author: Jennifer
Date: 2004-09-20 23:38
I have to play a song on the clarinet at 120 in 6/8 i don't have any problems until i get to the repetitive part where i have to cross the break numerous times and i keep hesitating how do i fix that?
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Author: Dee
Date: 2004-09-21 00:09
Work it slow as many times as it takes to get it smooth. The GRADUALLY speed it up. Make sure it is smooth at each tempo as you work your way up.
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Author: Benee
Date: 2004-09-21 01:43
I have a problem to play flute F key. and I have no problem with others at all.. is there any folk knows how to play it or any hint to play FLUTE F key, I will be appreciate. you can email me at
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Author: Theboy_2
Date: 2004-09-21 01:53
in loight of the 6/8 question, yes all you can do is work it slow, and remember to count it its >1< 2 3 >4< 5 6. 1 and 4 being downbeats. although some instructors only have 1 as a downbeat. try to not move your embouchure any. and leave your right hand down when playing the lower notes(if they are throat tones). and the flute question, are you talking about the concert key of F, or a key on your flute named F? if its the concert key of F, then go over the scale of concert F many many times. scales are the most boring part of playing music, but it helps. if its the key on an instrument, then there could be a leak/pad falling off/bent rods/etc. you may benifit from an overhaul. if it's a rented instrument, take it to wherever it's being rented from and sk them to check it over. hope this helps.
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Author: hanna
Date: 2004-09-23 00:38
i think the clarinet is easy i am just now learning how to play it i am in fith grade
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Author: Klee
Date: 2004-09-29 02:14
Easy? Maybe what you are playing is, but trust me, it will get harder. You may be one of those freaky people who's really good, but I doubt it. You're probably playing in 4/4 at like 80 w/ quarter notes mostly below the break or something liek that... anyways, good luck!
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Date: 2004-10-03 22:20
i need the chromatic sclae and the a flat scale, anywhere i can get those 4 free? I HAVE A PLAYING TEST IN A WEEK AND A HALF OVER IT!
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Author: Ashley Painter
Date: 2004-10-18 00:31
Also, try to keep a steady breath. steady constant airflow is the one thing I've found that helps...
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