The Fingering Forum
Author: Clifford
Date: 2004-08-10 19:42
Hi anyone.....there is a place where 3 keys are suggested (in the piccolo and flute chart) that do not exist on the piccolo, I'm thinking that they are for the flute. They are on the right side of each "key diagram". There are 3 of them next to each other in a vertical position.
If they are not found on a piccolo, do I just ignore their placement
in the diagram? In other words, do I push all the other keys and just pretend that they do not matter.
Thank you, Clifford
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Author: Amanda
Date: 2004-08-11 03:53
On THESE fingering charts? I guess I don't understand. . .
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Author: Amanda
Date: 2004-08-11 03:56
Ok I understand now. I was looking at the middle octave fingering charts, but you were asking about the first octave notes, some of which use the low C#, C, and B keys, which, as you noted are NOT on the piccolo. You can't play their respective notes without these keys. Sure, you can "push all the other keys and just pretend that they do not matter" but you won't be able to get these notes out.
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Author: Clifford
Date: 2004-08-19 21:14
Hi Amanda, thank you for helping me.
1. Then why do they show the extra keys to push are they for flute players?
2. Are those keys found on a flute then?
3. What do you suggest if I see certain notes that have been diagramed with those extra "keys" that don't exist on a piccolo?
4. Perhaps I should ask you, do you know of an actual piccolo chart on line that I can download that shows only the keys that the piccolo has when showing how to play actual notes on it?
I appreciate your helping me with this Amanda.
Thank you, Clifford
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Author: Amanda
Date: 2004-08-21 23:40
The C#, C and B keys are the only keys on the flute that are not on a piccolo. These keys are only used for the low C# (right above middle C on the piano), C (middle C) and the B below that, respectively.
These notes are not possible on the piccolo, and you will generally not find them in music that is written for piccolo. It happens once in a while, due to editing errors, that music is written with these impossible notes. The only thing you can do in this case is pick an alternate note to play, which is a different topic entirely.
There is no need for a Piccolo fingering chart. You play every other note exactly the same on the piccolo, from the low D all the way up to the top.
Hope this helps. Let me know if you need anything else.
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