The Fingering Forum
Author: ANT
Date: 2001-01-20 11:49
Hi there,
i've got some questions here again. Hope someone can help me. OK, How about how much a good clarinet going to cost?
Second-- How much is a SECOND HAND saxaphone going to cost?
Third-- Where can I normally get them?
Well, I'm a clarinet player but I'm thinking of trying out the saxaphone. So, hope you can help. Thanks.
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Author: Dee
Date: 2001-01-20 14:00
1. Good clarinet - it depends. Are you looking for new or used? Are you looking for beginner, intermediate, or professional grade or "premium" grade pro horn?. Stick to Leblanc, Buffet, Selmer or Yamaha models. With smart shopping, new beginner models can be had for under $400, new intermediate models for under $1000 (there is a range of models here), and standard pro models for under $2000. Used ones are available for perhaps half those prices.
2. Second hand sax - varies a great deal depending on age, brand, type, grade, and demand. Are you looking for a soprano, alto, tenor, baritone or bass? Student, intermediate or pro? A used Vito might be $300 but a used Mark VI would be several thousands.
3. Where to buy - Check the online site for International Music Suppliers. Check the online site for the Woodwind and Brasswind. Check your local band instrument stores (but take along a catalog from one of the online dealers I mentioned to use for bargaining a good price). I recommend also taking along an experience saxophonist/clarinettist to help you evaluate instruments as I'm guessing that you are a relative beginner. It would be especially important when looking at used instruments.
And please learn to spell saxophone correctly. There is only one "a" in it.
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Author: Skee
Date: 2001-03-10 18:50
I am selling my Alto Sax for $435. It is used. I bought it in 93' and played for 2 years. It is in PERFECT condition and looks beautiful. You can get all the details on the forum - "Alto Saxophone YAS23" - From personal experience I think the sax is a GREAT instrument to play. I've been playing various insrtuments year after year and the sax has been my favorite yet. Defintely take it up! If you enjoyed the clarinet you will enjoy the sax...Except the sax is a little jazzier and much more fun!
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Author: Juliet
Date: 2001-03-15 04:34
I am looking for a Buffet professional clarinet. My band director found one for me for around 1700. Thats even at his discounted rate. I think the markey price is somewhere over 2000.
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Author: Marie
Date: 2001-06-23 15:05
i was just thingking whether any of u know where to get a 2nd hand saxophone? which website,stall or place could i get a sax in a very good condition used not more than 2 and a half years? i am just a beginner who can only play the c major skill(i just learned it) could any of u give me any tips on how to choose a good ALTO saxophone? where can i get a fingering chart which tells me the fingering for each note(on the web)how much does one cost normally? i play a euphonium in school and knows how to play a clarinet, is it ok to switch to alto sax cause i am interested in it? Hope any of u my help me in my little crisis
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Author: Sausage
Date: 2001-09-12 16:34
How long would it take to get good at the sax. Starting from scratch
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Author: Huw
Date: 2001-11-11 18:44
i can only give you the answer 4 the clarinet.Irecently got a Lemlanc Opus and that was £2,000.
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Author: Rachelle
Date: 2004-08-15 03:48
I have a clarinet that I am trying to sell. It's a wooden Yamaha clarinet model 450 (I do believe so). I'm only asking $350-$400 for it. I only played it for a year and a half. It's practically in mint included of course. If you need a mouthpiece I have a premiere I'll sell you for $20 with it. If you are interested e-mail me and let me know. If not...Good Luck!!
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