The Fingering Forum
Author: Macke
Date: 2004-07-29 20:59
I was recently using a school tenor saxophone and it stunk, so i am trying to find a good deal on a quality tenor. I saw on ebay a black 2005 Helmke saxophone for around $300.00 . I was wondering if anybody knew if this is a good deal or a rip off. Here is the item number 3738260452.
Thank you
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Author: K
Date: 2004-07-31 03:37
It's a nice sax. Bang for buck, it can't be beat.
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Author: Amanda
Date: 2004-08-02 05:03
You don't know if it's a good sax until you play it.
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Author: JfW
Date: 2004-08-02 15:52
I honestly wouldn't waste my money (or your money) on a tenor saxophone that can be produced/marketed/delivered for $300. I'm also not going to waste any more keystrokes illustrating why I thinks so as I've personally addressed this brand perhaps a dozen or more times on this board.
Try this:
Find a couple of local repair technicians, not salesmen mind you, and ask them about the inexpensive brands you're considering. Ask if they've ever worked on a Helmke and if they'd consider working on a helmke again. Then ask them if they'll stand behind their work on such instruments for a period of time. See what they say!
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Author: Jon
Date: 2004-08-03 04:15
well how i see it its the way you take care of your instrument and the way you play. it fits some people nd some others hate it. helmke isnt the best brand if you are gonna go for a cheap brand but it works if you keep it well mainained you shouldnt have much problems. if yopu go from ebay deal with this dude i thiink his name is Adeal4u or something. dont ever buy an instrument if the person says that they dont know much about the instrument they are usually bad instruments. good luck to you.
musically yours,
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