The Doublers BBoard
Author: rcnelson
Date: 2007-12-03 20:11
I know the instruments in each of the 4 reed books, but can anyone tell me the details of each. I'm assuming reed 1 is the primary flute book but ....???
A community theater is doing this in April 2008 and I would like to know which book(s) to ask for. AND...can the 4 books be played with 3 or less woodwind players?
Selmer Mark VI tenor (1957), Selmer Mark VII alto (1975)
Buescher True Tone soprano (1924), Selmer CL210 Bb Clarinet, Gemeinhardt 3SHB Flute, Pearl PFP105 Piccolo
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Author: Loralie
Date: 2007-12-10 00:35
I played the revised book with the following orchestraiton. There are actually five books but we only used reeds 1-4 and did fine. I don't really know if you could cut out a player but Im sure its possible.
The reed 1 book is the primary flute book. The reed 3 book has cues for the stage band tenor sax, so if there wont be a separate stage band reed 3 will be playing those tenor parts. The reed 5 book has oboe and English horn.
Reed I: Flute, Piccolo, Clarinet, Soprano Saxophone & Alto Saxophone.
1 Reed II: Piccolo, Clarinet & Alto Saxophone.
1 Reed III: Clarinet, Soprano Saxophone & Tenor Saxophone.
1 Reed IV: Bassoon (or Bass Clarinet), Clarinet & Baritone Saxophone.
1 Reed V: Oboe & English Horn.
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Author: mikeW
Date: 2008-05-12 15:45
Hi, just re-opening an old thread. I'm subbing in Cabaret on R2. I believe this is the revised version. The cover page says R2 plays flute, picc, alto sax, clarinet, soprano sax and bass clarinet. However, I've looked through the book (briefly) and only saw flute, picc, alto sax and clarinet, which is consistent with Lorlaie's post. So is the cover page on the book incorrect, or did I not spot the bass clarinet and soprano sax parts? Thanks. I played the show once before, but we used the "flexbo" edition and only had the stage band.
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