The Doublers BBoard
Author: gsurosey
Date: 2015-11-04 09:31
If my schedule permits, I'll be playing clarinets for Cinderella in the spring (Eb, Bb, and bass clarinet is what I've been told). For anyone that has played that particular orchestration, what is the breakdown of how much of each clarinet is played?
While I'm excited to get to do some Eb work, the fact that I don't get to play it much has me worried about the parts. What is the range of the Eb part? Are there a lot of fast passages? I can't play very much higher than thumb C reliably, though I recently got a Fobes mouthpiece for it and I've noticed having that mouthpiece over my old one does help extend my range upward a little bit.
Eb clarinet is the only thing I'm worried about. I think Bb and bass will be just fine. I played "Into the Woods" last year and came out almost unscathed (Bb clarinet cracked due to kids running in and out of the school building while I'm blowing warm air into it; d'oh!).
Clarinet Stash:
Bb/A: Buffet R13
Eb: Bundy
Bass: Royal Global Max
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Author: smokindok
Date: 2016-01-01 01:18
Hi Rachel,
I played two productions of Cinderella this year and both used the rental scoring which has seven reed books: Flute, Flute2/Pic, Oboe/EH, Clarinet, Clarinet2, Bass Clarinet, Bassoon.
One of those productions used four people covering the parts, the other used three people.
The Broadway revival had different scoring, including a book that was Eb, Bb and bass clarinet. I have not run into that, but perhaps that is what you will be playing.
In the standard rental scoring the clarinet books are pretty straight forward, the only more difficult part being an 8 bar section in Waltz for a Ball (also repeated in the Bows if I remember correctly) that required a little practice to get up to the very fast tempo it was played at.
The bass clarinet book did not have much that wasn't being doubled by some other part.
I am curious to hear if anyone else here has run across a different scoring.
The music is a bit repetitive, but it is a fun show to play. Have fun!
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Author: LIWWDoubler
Date: 2016-01-01 03:33
Just did a production of the Broadway version. Don't worry too much about the Eb clarinet. What's in the Bows and Exit Music is what is basically most of the Eb parts. They are repeated in other parts of the show.
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Author: gsurosey
Date: 2016-01-25 09:41
Getting through "Transformations" looks like the toughest thing here. Perhaps it's doubled in flute or piccolo.
Gotta love the page turn instruction during "Eight O'Clock and All is Well":
V.S. [Hateful page turn - I know]
Personally, I don't think that's the worst one, but I won't really know until tech week, which is when all of the hired musicians come (the students have their own rehearsals before we come in). At least for that turn, I can play the notes in my left hand (as it's throat A and Bb) and turn the page with my right hand.
Clarinet Stash:
Bb/A: Buffet R13
Eb: Bundy
Bass: Royal Global Max
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