The Doublers BBoard
Author: greenslater
Date: 2013-08-30 21:19
Hi just wondering if anyone is using the protech combo case?
Seems like a great idea but I haven't seen one in Australia so would love to hear your thoughts.
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Author: Toddywinds
Date: 2014-02-26 13:10
Hi Brad,
I own the protec triple case. I will say I liked it for about one day. The case is too large and really does not protect the flute and clarinet very well. The clarinet case is separate from the other case. I will admit the value is terrific, but I just found the size of the case a bit daunting. I currently own a Wiseman triple for piccolo, flute and clarinet. Very expensive, but worth every penny. Carry your sax separately. Always wiser!
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