The Bassoon BBoard
Author: Jaysne
Date: 2009-10-24 18:16
Many ads I see for bassoon reed cases mention that they're ventilated; i.e., they have holes in them to provide air circulation. My first bassoon teacher told me that this was to prevent mold.
Why, then, do oboe reed cases not have similar ventilation?
Post Edited (2009-10-25 02:26)
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Author: justme
Date: 2009-10-29 07:31
On the Fox web site, under the Parent/Teacher Resources, there's a section called: " Instruction Guides."
If you click on the "Let's play oboe" link, it takes you to a 20 page pdf file
( ), on page 8 it talks about reed cases and I quote : " It is important to have a reed case that supports the reed in such a way that
nothing can damage the delicate tip. It should also allow for air circulation
around the reed to keep it dry when not in use."
So they're recommending a ventilated case.
Food for thought...
Just Me
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