The Bassoon BBoard
Author: allenby
Date: 2009-09-25 17:44
I have just acquired a bassoon marked "Handcraft Lewington London"
Anyone have any idea who made these for Bill Lewington - just curious...
Quality seems reasonable, keywork closely modelled on my late 60s Schreiber....but with whisper key lock and extra low C touch....
Alan Braunton
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Author: Ian White
Date: 2009-09-26 08:15
I think you're correct about Schreiber being the source of these Alan or it may have been Kohlert. Lewington also sold a lower model sourced from China - not such a desirable instrument!
Ian White
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Author: allenby
Date: 2009-09-26 13:00
I don't think this is a chinese one - keywork is in nickel silver, not brass..
I had a Hsinghai in for service a while back - every time you set something up, something else moved !
This one seems to play ok anyway - despite a lot of dodgy pads and leaks...I'll see what it's like after a strip and rebuild....
Alan Braunton
Alan Braunton
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