Author: jamesoboe
Date: 2004-09-16 18:17
Hello Everyone!
It's been a while since I last posted on this board, but I felt that what Nissen is trying to achieve with the oboe gallery is a very interesting experiment. Basically, we all have probably little contact with oneanother, so when trying to describe what impressions a particular player makes on us; mentioning features of their style, such as tone, vibrato, etc., this fails to clarify itself, as we all come from different parts of the globe, or have different tastes and concepts of what we are describing. By submitting your choices to Nissen we can expand our knowledge of other styles, and see more clearly what another person means when describing various aspects of a player's qualities. I have already submitted several clips to him. This is easily done by copying a track onto Mediaplayer, or Realplayer from your CD, then attaching this track as an attachment with your e-mail. It's best if the track is no more than 3 and a half minutes long. I think it would be great to get into a discussion about what strikes us about styles, and what we find beautiful about various players from around the world.
I, personally, would be very interested to hear clips from Allan Vogel and Richard Woodhams. I have ordered a CD of Herschel oboe concertos played by Woodhams, but it is taking an eternity to arrive. If anyone has clips of these, or other, oboists, that would be great.
What are your thoughts of the clips already on the gallery, and who would you like to see included on it, also?
Best wishes