Author: Hotboy
Date: 2023-10-25 22:14
Chris's solution is the only way I know how to do it with any speed and clarity.
In general, trilling between a half-hole note and a thumb octave note is often highly dependent on the oboe, the reed, and the support, but one of these will sound best:
- Finger the half-hole note and lift/lower right hand fingers only
- Finger the octave note and lift/lower right hand fingers only
- Use both half-hole AND thumb octave and lift/lower right hand fingers only (I have found this to be the best solution on many combinations on many different makes of oboes)
If one of the trilled notes is airy or fuzzy, I often find that blowing harder will clear it up during the trill/tremolo. Of course, that often means that the pitch can be sharp, which necessitates lowering the general pitch, which I normally do by opening the teeth.
The above principle applies also to trills/tremolos between notes that use 1st and 2nd octave keys.
Bay Area, California