The Oboe BBoard
Author: m1964
Date: 2023-06-15 23:37
I am a frequent reader of the clarinet board, now need some help from oboe players.
I was given an old oboe that is not in playable condition.
Cannot find any markings/name on it, except for something unreadable on the bell.
The bell is cracked, there two more cracks on the lower joint, by upper tenon.
Some springs are missing (I think).
Can anyone guide me if this is worth taking to a tech?
I am unable to attach any pictures idea why
Post Edited (2023-06-15 23:46)
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Author: oboist2
Date: 2023-06-16 02:28
Taking it to a reputable Tech who specialises in repairing oboes would be your best bet. He will be able to appraise the instrument, identify the maker ( most likely) and advise you whether or not an overhaul/restoration is needed, and whether the instrument is worth it.
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Author: m1964
Date: 2023-06-16 08:12
Hi oboist2,
Thanks for replying to my post- it looks like it would be a donation to my clarinet tech who also fixes oboes. He probably can use it as a donor.
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Author: Chris P
Date: 2023-06-19 17:55
That looks like a Malerne oboe - they were bought by Marigaux in the early '70s. It's an intermediate level ring key conservatoire system with fixed low C#.
Socket cracks are relatively easy to sort out and the sockets are metal lined anyway, so once they've all been taken apart, cleaned up and properly refitted, it'll give you no further grief.
Any socket cracks that do run into and terminate in the toneholes can either be filled in and levelled if you can be sure they won't reopen (although that's not a reliable fix), or bushed with ebonite or plastic to make sure they never reopen and cause leaks.
Former oboe finisher
Howarth of London
1998 - 2010
The opinions I express are my own.
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Author: m1964
Date: 2023-06-25 08:57
Hi Chris,
Thanks a lot for replying to me.
There is one crack on the lower joint that starts at the tenon and goes into the screw hole for the thumb rest.
Another one starts at the tenon and goes to the 1st tone hole/chimney, I am not sure if it goes through the chimney.
The bell has two cracks, one from the bottom half-way up, through the whole thickness of the wood, and another crack from the top down about 1cm long.
The post on the bell is glued with crazy/super glue.
The keys are movable and seem straight, none are frozen.
The question is if it's worth fixing.
I understand that a highly capable tech (like you) can sort all the problems.
But it's different for a consumer who would need to sell the instrument and (hopefully) recover the money spent.
Ohh, I was able to read that "unreadable" line under magnifying glass.
It says "Made in France".
Again, thanks for your help.
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