Author: Hotboy
Date: 2020-09-16 22:56
"-first, do you use the german fingerings for middle C# to middle D#? (with these fingerings you donĀ“t use the half hole you just lift the the index altogether)"
I learned to play holding the spatula down for HH notes. However, when I need to slur from a HH note down to something much lower, I fid that the response on my Loree is better if I lift LH1 entirely and the transition seems to pop much better.
When I do this, the intonation of the D doesn't suffer, the Eb is somewhat sharp, and the C# is wildly sharp. The height of my HH key is set based on the response/intonation of the altissimo C#, so I cannot change the height of the HH key.
The only time I lift LH1 on a C# is when I need to slur down to the low C#, as the amount of additional embouchure opening I use to lower the pitch of the higher C# I find beneficial for helping the lower note to smoothly speak.
Bay Area, California