Author: Axolotl
Date: 2019-04-29 17:30
Thank you very much for your answers, that's very kind!
I've been questioning everything for three years.
I changed oboes twice, because I had a very hard oboe in addition to playing very hard reeds.
Now it's very fluid, I'm very happy about that.
I've had a scraping machine for a year, so I can't change the shape.
But I play infinitely easier than before. So, have I kept the habit of playing too hard again, even though I feel it's easy? Maybe...
You're right, I played very hard to get a dark sound. I've since learned that you can round the sound with your mouth, but I've only been doing it for a few months.
Unfortunately, no teacher has taught me this in the past.
The problem is that when I take more closed reeds, I can only play for a short time, and I lose all the bass instantly.
And when I scratch the more open reeds more than I have, even sparing the heart, the sound becomes really unpleasant...
I have tried several canes but I always come back to the same ones, which naturally have a darker sound.
I can see that I'm having trouble finding the right opening.
I order reeds that are a little more open than the average, because otherwise I close them like pancakes, even if I concentrate so as not to bite.
I guess I use too many muscles, but I still can't figure out how to do it, and 16 years ago usually....
What are your tips for a perfect mouthpiece?
What should I think about? I take all the advice, even the basics, because I learned badly, and I volunteer.
What are your sensations in your muscles?
It's stiff and painful for me.
Thank you in advance! :-)