Author: EaubeauHorn
Date: 2017-07-05 03:38
For brass embouchure, I very strongly recommend a method called The Balanced Embouchure. It is "for the trumpet" but the technique applies equally to all brass. The tuba world is the only place I have found that teachers will tell you what is in this book, and the other brass will just tell you to use more air and practice and it will come. Not so....the book is $50 and worth every penny for someone who is willing to follow this self-teaching method. The exercises will get you there. It's about lip position....the lips must be slightly rolled inwards to go high, and slightly rolled outwards to go low. This can be done entirely within the cup, so someone who is highly skilled doesn't even look like they are doing anything. But if you get a good player and get them to "freeze" their embouchure, remove the instrument, and show you their chops in both high and low ranges, you will easily see the different lip positions. It is highly unlikely that they will be aware of what they are doing, which is why it is not taught. ---- end brass pedagogy on the oboe group ---