Author: Wes1973
Date: 2016-01-20 00:05
Quick update:
I returned the first Howarth on their recommendation and with the full enthusiasm of the retailer. They said that it appeared that something was amiss with the bore polishing. Long story short, I have a new one in-hand and the difference is like night and day. It's a beauty.
Their recommendation that the upper joint sleeve allows for less of a break-in regime was a happy development, but in the end moot because my short practice times are tied to my still-developing embouchure.
My takeaway from the purchase process is a bit of trepidation about trying many instruments before buying. It's a sound recommendation, but in these days of mail-order purchasing, shipping costs rise very quickly. At $80 a pop per round trip, if I had tried 10 oboes these costs would have pushed me into another price bracket.
Anyway, the instrument is purchased and I can move on to the figuring out of these darn reeds...
Thanks everyone!