Author: cjwright
Date: 2014-06-16 22:29
With the narrower shape the reed feels more cushioned in the center of my lips and the embouchure feels more relaxed.
Yes, the reed feels more cushioned in the center, and my lips tend to pucker a bit more to play closer to the tip while pulling away to let the reed vibrate more.
The trick to get the reed to vibrate and maintain good focus and maintain pitch.
Yes, the other thing I didn't mention in the blog post is air and strength.
If you're going to play a wider reed, it's just going to be a bigger reed in general. It's going to happen, and you can't get around it. You need to be willing to play a bigger reed, and be strong enough in the mouth to handle one. Maybe at times you'll need slightly more compression (i.e. squeezing) but not necessarily to the point of biting.
The other thing you need to be willing to do which is even more important is to really blow, and blow hard, and blow a lot. There's just going to be more surface area that needs to vibrate, and it will require more air for you to get all of the blades to vibrate. I've experimented for 15 years and I simply see no other way around this fact.
Blog, An Oboe In Paradise
Solo Oboe, Thailand Philharmonic Orchestra