Author: newedit617
Date: 2014-06-12 02:17
Hello again,
I purchased a Prestini oboe (circa 1971) online, sight unseen, as a backup to my regular Marigaux 901. It was from a repair person who specializes in oboes so I concluded that it would not be a bad risk. The oboe came today and has a very sweet, bright tone. I like that it is much lighter and the keywork is more ergonomical than the 901. However, the keys are EXTREMELY "bendy" and flexible, to the point where after a session of playing, the left hand octave key had warped so that when it is depressed it touches the trill lever and opens the upper trill key!! Any ideas what kind of metal this is? Has anyone had this experience with certain oboe makers?
Sorry so many questions lately. I promise to "pay it forward" when there is a thread where I may be of some help!