Author: jhoyla
Date: 2013-05-27 05:45
You're right, 23kg is woefully insufficient.
While I am sure that there are rules and regulations for everything, you are basically at the mercy of the individual at the security counter. If he thinks it is a weapon (or, say, that you could turn a piece of airplane into a weapon with your diamond stone), you are sunk. Diamond stones are too expensive to risk losing in this way. Same goes for mandrels, spring-hooks - if the security specialist thinks it is like an ice-pick, say goodbye.
I had a cake-fork taken from me in Heathrow once. A cake fork. I never saw it again.
Have you considered mailing your books and shoes to yourself in a parcel? :-) Big weight reduction there. Parcel-post is less expensive than overweight, if they allow you to pay for it.