Author: WoodwindOz
Date: 2013-02-15 23:09
I have never played baroque oboe nor do I play American scrape, but squeaking on a shorter scrape reed (particularly on notes with more fingers) sometimes is indicative of not enough 'meat' in the reed, so the reed is too thin and at risk (or is) collapsing under the pressure required to reach these notes. If you are using a U-scrape reed, try leaving more in the 'heart' and taking more from the sides, the base of the scrape and the extreme of the tip.
I am playing a lot of bassoon at the moment (and loving it!) and a whole world has opened up to me when I treated the half-hole notes as not so much half-hole, but varying degrees of open. Have you tried experimenting with 1/4 and 3/4 'half-holes'?
I'd love to hear how you're going! When you feel more confident, I'd love to hear a clip.