Author: Oboehotty
Date: 2012-12-22 15:45
I suggest two things, in this order: This is assuming your reed is balanced in the scrape.
1) Lightly dust the top 2-3 millilmeters of the tip, off onto the plaque paying specific attention to the point of the defined tip. Often times on my reeds and all of my student reeds, this area is too thick to successfully attack (clearly) the low Db and C.
2) If this doesn't fix it, dig in a big at the very bottom of the reed where the scrape starts. Don't dig too or two scrapes on either side of the spine at a time.
As always, not too much scraping at one time without first play testing.
Professor of Oboe - Youngstown State University
Howland Local Schools - MS Dir. Of Bands/HS Asst. Dir (Marching, Symphonic)