Author: Oboelips
Date: 2012-11-26 20:33
I'm a severe asthmatic. Playing my oboe daily is my physical therapy (I don't have to use any 'lung exercisers like the ones where you blow the balls up the tube). When taking an extensive pulmonary function test with a new doctor years ago, the Dr. came back in with the results and said "You are one of these 3 things: A professional Singer; A Wind Player; or a Scuba Diver--which one are you?" I replied to the affirmative to "Wind Player", and specified oboe...and he said "no wonder you nearly blew the machine off the wall"...
I do play hard reeds with shorter tips, so I utilize quite a bit of PSI. At my annual eye exam, my opthamalogist checks the pressure (retinal?) because of my being an oboist.
Health wise, I know that the oboe does me more good than harm.