Author: WoodwindOz
Date: 2012-09-12 23:15
Mary, it is interesting you mention this. After my post on breathing the other day, and having others comment that playing actually was their breathing therapy, I have started to really think about what playing means to me.
I have realised (and boy, do I feel less than intelligent for not realising this sooner) that my asthma is as mild as it is because I play wind instruments. I always think my asthma is playing up when I have a break and then struggle with phrases afterwards, but in reality, it's the break that has worsened the symptoms, not the asthma itself. It's always worse towards the end of summer, and I don't think it's just allergies!
Mentally, though, oboe is not a cure-all if I am down, more a source of frustration! Flute, on the other hand, is relaxing for me as I am at a much higher level of playing ability, and to chill I play stuff that I like and is not too challenging. I love playing Gershwin and jazz, or some good French romantics if I am out of sorts. Music is definitely good for the soul!
Wine helps, too! :P