Author: Loree BF51
Date: 2012-06-11 23:28
If I remember correctly, there were a few years in between the original recording date(s) and the release date, as Ray was not sure if it was really good enough! Without a doubt, he wsa his own toughest critic! Fortu-nately, he approved it, so now we can all hear it. There is one, particular quality in his playing, that really shows up here in I think, is it a Vivaldi piece, "Il Pastor Fido", so-si-so-re----, so--, fa, si or la, me, etc.? It's been a long time since I've seen the music, but i know I'm close! Needless to say, he made a strong point about rythym in his teaching. I could go on (forever!), but it's nice to see someone else mention his name for a change. Regards.
R. Still former student