Author: DrewSorensenMusic
Date: 2012-05-24 12:19
Hello Goodwinds,
You are correct in your slant-wise solution, although 90 degrees could be a little much depending on the situation. I think it's true that any repetitive scrape will leave deeper cuts and/or nicks in the reed. If I want a smooth surface or smooth slope on my reed, I make sure to vary the angle of each stroke every so slightly, so that no one points is overworked.
The tip is obviously the most sensitive area of the reed, and I have found that sometimes I get a sort of ridge before the reed ends. In general this happens mostly in the beginning stages of reed making, when I'm trying to quickly get the reed to at least make a peep, but it does happen in the latter stages of my scraping as well. Sometimes I switch to my Bevel knife (it is heavier than my double hollow ground) and find that it is able to take the ridge out better, along with using angles to relieve the situation.
For myself, if I find something that works, I stick with it. If something doesn't work for me, I've lost the urge to dwell and find out why. Of course, if you only have a certain thing to work with, and don't have access to other options, then of course you will make the best of your situation.
Good luck
Drew S.