Author: jhoyla
Date: 2012-02-06 06:14
Yes, you CAN squeeze a reed without a plaque - if you have large, flat fingers and reeds that are perfectly balanced. If the reed blades are uneven you run the risk of flexing the weaker blade beyond "flat", and the weak blade will split almost invariably. If in doubt, use a plaque.
How far back can I go when squeezing?
As an experiment, take some dead reeds apart at the thread, soak the individual blades for a few minutes in warm water, and then try flattening them against a tabletop, rolling your finger from the tip to the back. Notice when it splits (and remember that these are old, used reeds). Do this several times and you'll soon get the picture - never, ever squeeze down on the bark. Ever. And when you are close to the bark - squeeze VERY gently.