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 Re: Short scrape is interesting
Author: WoodwindOz 
Date:   2012-01-22 04:01

It is interesting that you say the reed must be played at the extreme tip - all the short scrape players I know (myself included) play a lot more reed than any American oboists I've observed, some even play down to the wire, if they play a wired reed. One of the reasons I abandoned American scrape when I first got here was that I couldn't get used to having less reed to control in my mouth. And as for response, I also couldn't get used to the way the sound seemed to bounce back at me immediately from the reed, I assume because the windows act as a type of amplifier. I am more used to the sound projecting from further through the instrument, if that makes sense.

Perhaps UK short scrape is a little different (my reeds are based on the K.Ge style reed, which is more of a French-hybrid style), given your description of the reed you have, and this might explain the different embouchure.

On a similar note, the Royal Philharmonic played at U of I tonight, and while the vibrato of the principal was a little on the fast side for my taste, his sound was like an old pair of jeans - familiar and comfortable. And he could solo beautifully (Brahms #1...I feel satisfied for the night. :) )


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sylvangale 2012-01-21 22:44 
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Oboe Craig 2012-01-22 00:53 
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WoodwindOz 2012-01-22 04:01 
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sylvangale 2012-01-22 06:36 
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HautboisJJ 2012-01-22 12:11 
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jhoyla 2012-01-22 13:32 
 Re: Short scrape is interesting  new
Chris P 2012-01-22 14:18 

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