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 Re: sterilizing reeds
Author: heckelmaniac 
Date:   2011-12-31 21:20

Hi Craig,
I have been using the clip technique for years.
I just started making the clamps after becoming frustrated with new, rough scraped reeds that splayed open during the overnight drying before the next round of scraping. Now I use the clamps all the time. I have told others of this clamping technique, though I do not think this has caught on.
Some photos attached...


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pliscapoivre 2011-12-30 14:41 
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DrewSorensenMusic 2011-12-30 15:09 
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JRC 2011-12-30 15:19 
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Oboe Craig 2011-12-30 20:39 
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heckelmaniac 2011-12-30 23:02 
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GoodWinds 2011-12-30 23:37 
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Oboe Craig 2011-12-31 20:07 
 Re: sterilizing reeds  
heckelmaniac 2011-12-31 21:20 
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heckelmaniac 2011-12-31 21:32 
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mjfoboe 2012-01-01 15:57 
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heckelmaniac 2012-01-01 23:01 
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heckelmaniac 2012-01-02 00:55 
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bouche 2012-01-21 20:03 
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GoodWinds 2012-01-21 22:30 
 Re: sterilizing reeds  new
Oboe Craig 2012-01-01 14:05 
 Re: sterilizing reeds  new
GoodWinds 2011-12-30 16:02 
 Re: sterilizing reeds  new
pliscapoivre 2011-12-30 17:25 
 Re: sterilizing reeds  new
Oboe Craig 2011-12-30 20:30 
 Re: sterilizing reeds  new
GoodWinds 2011-12-30 23:38 
 Re: sterilizing reeds  new
ohsuzan 2011-12-31 00:33 
 Re: sterilizing reeds  new
oboemoboe 2012-01-02 13:15 
 Re: sterilizing reeds  new
GoodWinds 2012-01-02 16:35 
 Re: sterilizing reeds  new
DrewSorensenMusic 2012-01-01 14:42 
 Re: sterilizing reeds  new
Oboe Craig 2012-01-01 15:20 
 Re: sterilizing reeds  new
pliscapoivre 2012-01-02 11:41 
 Re: sterilizing reeds  new
Oboe Craig 2012-01-02 19:42 
 Re: sterilizing reeds  new
pliscapoivre 2012-01-02 20:17 

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