Author: GoodWinds ★2017
Date: 2011-06-27 02:32
Hannah is wonderful. There are a few other sites; I've purchased good instruments from Mark Chudnow (Napa, CA) and also from (Marti, in PA).
The staff at Midwest Musical Imports is very helpful and they have used instruments but not (usually) higher-end oboes; Charles Double Reed sells quite a few oboes of all makes and he gives some sort of guarantee, but I've only bought supplies from him. Miller Marketing is mostly bassoon, BUT I bought a beautiful used English horn there.
I always buy used (pocket book issues, mostly), but I would probably avoid a private seller UNLESS they are an oboe teacher with a spare instrument and you trust them.
Whatever you buy, make sure there is a trial period and your daughter can try the instrument to make sure it suits HER. Not every make (no matter how famous) suits every player. As someone else has said, oboes are temperamental.
One more site you might find useful: Oboes for Idgets has LOTS of links.