Author: claire70
Date: 2011-04-18 21:08
Another fairly-newbie-reed-maker question...
I am making semi-decent reeds at least some of the time now, that I'm willing to play on in public! I'm aiming for a German-style scrape; if anyone is familiar with Ke-Xun Ge reeds that's what I'm trying to emulate (with varying degrees of success).
My question is that my good reeds sound pretty good in the bottom octave of my lovely Marigaux oboe, and exactly what I'm after, but as soon as I start to go higher (above about d or e), then the tone usually starts to thin out. I'm left with something which is acceptable, not offensive, but just doesn't have the depth and 'oomph' that I can get lower down.
Is there anything I can do to the reed to get it with a more consistent tone throughout?