Author: RobinDesHautbois
Date: 2010-07-28 09:50
Yes, it did cost a bundle, but less than I had expected in comparison to previous repairs, many years ago - far less than a new instrument! But is was in the 4 figure range because he had to replace everything:
1. joing corks
2. all pads
3. all springs
4. all rods
5. all goupil (gouppee) screws
=> all of these were still working, but rusted!
Only after this, he consented on key adjustment and bore reaming.
I thought it was playing fine (in comparison to other Lorees) before that.... what a great surprize!
Best thing is to google his name and ask him if he'll repair yours. He is, naturally, very busy. I sent my Loree knowing that I'd have to leave it there for a month and a half: he does do the instruments of world-class pros., so I didn't mind the wait. That's the main reason I bought my student model on E-Bay.
Oh yeah, I'm on the list for a new Laubin all right! If I'm going to get another instrument, I figure I'll splurge and get the works.... in 7-9 years, I'll be able to afford it!
Robin Tropper
M.A.Sc., B.Mus., B.Ed.