Author: jamesoboe
Date: 2010-07-24 11:15
Hi Oboedrew
thanks for your input. On the face of it you're absolutely right. One should be able to make the needed adjustments to deal with each piece of cane as one goes along. I wonder though, as someone, such as yourself- a professional reed-maker- whether you know that your optimum results come from a narrower range of preferred tube canes, rather than instinctively adjusting to each and every reed, regardless of whether it is deemed hard, medium, or soft?
My experience, however, is that I generally cannot do what you suggest. That is, make the required adjustments to suit all the varying types of cane densities. I have tried marca, argentinia, vic, rouche, du var, alliaud, bonazza, roseau chantant etc., all in the last week and have had fairly disappointing results. Bonazza is giving the best results as per usual. This cane I find a sort of medium hard cane. I must say, though, the alliaud, from several years back, was the stand-out best for me, but it nowadays just feels somewhat too hard and lacking the same sort of tone quality as before. I still get enough good ones to want to keep scraping it, though!
I spoke to T W Howarths oboe shop the other day and was told that Gordon Hunt, from the Philharmonia, had just invested in a Density Machine, which I believe is from Udo Heng. I might try e-mailing him for his thoughts before diving in and buying one, as they are rather expensive pieces of equipment!!!