Author: RobinDesHautbois
Date: 2010-07-17 01:55
I'm using Chiarugi #3 with RDG -1, 2 (no minus) and a bunch of other ones. Actually, I found the wide staple helped to close a Nagamatsu #2 when it had a hard time closing on a Lorée copy-cat (very narrow).
I have to agree with Maestro Indermuhle that the notion of a "setup" solving any problems of any kind might be an unrealistic dream... I'm repeating myself ad nauseam, but I don't believe in a single type of reed scraping, either. I do believe in a progressive and responsive approach... and also trashing reeds that just don't want to behave! Actually, if your middle C and low G are low, I'd consider trying other oboes for comparison (individual instruments, not brands).
If your problem is the 2nd octave, chances are your reed is too open. Check-out the sketches on my web-site and be aware that, despite looks, it is not the American windows technique but just a matter of softening the back.
My own preference for the wide staples is that I have lots of air volume and lots of pressure: the narrow staples give me dizzy spells. I can't say more for range or other physionomies. As a student, I'd earn a living playing for the Army Reserves band: often 1st flute parts without 8va transposition. I have just always enjoyed playing in the stratosphere, since high-school.
Best of luck!
Robin Tropper
M.A.Sc., B.Mus., B.Ed.