Author: jeremyreeds
Date: 2010-04-03 03:05
I have an old Cabart which has that key for the RH thumb to play low C (which looks like an upside down 1st. octave key, and replaces the Banana key). In the form in which it has been installed (pretty far from the thumb rest) is of not much use, unless one supports the oboe with the knees or legs. I have tried it, at first I thought it was a wonderful idea but after playing this oboe, I realized that one can actually lift, without much consecuence, the LH thumb but lifting the RH thumb, while fingering a note that requires any of the fingers of the RH, is not without probable consecuences.
After reading the description given by Robert Hubbart about his first oboe in High School, and looking at the pictures of the unusual keywork for a customer of John Peterson, who required special keywork, from the links given by Gerry L , I am now of the opinion that it would work if such key was placed near (close to) the thumb rest. On the other hand, one should consider the work (cost) involved for such a key, because it might be that a better choice would, perhaps, be the long LH C#.