Author: HautboisJJ
Date: 2010-02-18 10:46
Having read some information on regards to changing octave box inserts, i began to ponder of its effects on the oboe. What are dimensions available and why do some oboes need it more than others when it is of the same make or model? I have flat 1st and 2nd octaves and i am quite sure it is not my reeds, and it has been suggested to me by someone 'famous' that i do something with the octave boxes, which apparently will help. As i am not famous enough, it is quite unlikely that i will be able to say to Buffet, send me 5 or 6 of them and i will try all of them until i find the right, if i were to request, where should i start and what should or look for? i totally going towards the wrong direction and the sagging is coming from somewhere else?