Author: johnsonfromwisconsin
Date: 2005-02-08 15:44
- that boys have a short attention span, and can't stick at it
Not true. Priorities can be far different at this age. Sports are a looming possiblity that for some is almost an expectation and can take up a vast amount of attention, hence, more females than males typically enroll in musical programs to begin with.
- that boys feel the need to fit in - image counts, and the oboe doesn't do it for them
This is probably the biggest issue. Young men are more inclined towards the louder, more powerfull instruments like saxophone, trumpet, and low brass either because of natural affinity or social conditioning.
- that the oboe is an expressive instruments, and it's not cool to be expressive
- that girls are better at getting what they want, so parents are more likely to buy them an oboe, rather than reject the request as 'just a fad'.
probably not.