Author: mschmidt
Date: 2009-02-01 16:44
Well, the six bocals originally came with two other horns two weeks ago, and the Lorée was only sent after I rejected the first two horns as unsuitable; some of them may have been Lorée bocals, but I don't know. (Are Lorée bocals marked as such? If so, I don't have any.) No additional bocals came with the Lorée instrument. One of the horns I rejected was in fact a Kreul/Mirafone, and the Mirafone bocal was remarkably stable and in tune with that bocal, but I still liked the sound of the Kreul with the Dallas better. The Hiniker sounded fine on the Kreul, but made the second-octave-key notes unstable.
And my question isn't really which bocal I should pick as my second, but what should I look for (or listen for) in a second bocal?
Still an Amateur, but not really middle-aged anymore
Post Edited (2009-02-01 16:49)