Woodwind.OrgThe Oboe BBoardThe C4 standard

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 Re: Professional oboe players Question
Author: GoodWinds 2017
Date:   2009-01-31 01:47

I played on a 'blown-out' instrument once, and decided that it was probably the player (me) that was 'blown out', not having played in seven years. But really, it was fine, and now I am the proud owner of a rather warped Jarde which ALSO plays fine.

Take care of your oboe and it will last a long time.

I'm always so simplistic.



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 Professional oboe players Question  new
jamslam 2009-01-27 03:29 
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Chris P 2009-01-27 04:13 
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wrowand 2009-01-27 15:15 
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jamslam 2009-01-28 00:42 
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Vallemar2 2009-01-28 03:36 
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cjwright 2009-01-28 05:49 
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Vallemar2 2009-01-28 13:43 
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hautbois 2009-01-28 12:49 
 Re: Professional oboe players Question  new
Dutchy 2009-01-30 15:53 
 Re: Professional oboe players Question  new
oboedrew 2009-01-30 16:35 
 Re: Professional oboe players Question  new
johnt 2009-01-30 18:22 
 Re: Professional oboe players Question  new
Chris P 2009-01-30 19:35 
 Re: Professional oboe players Question  
GoodWinds 2009-01-31 01:47 
 Re: Professional oboe players Question  new
JRJINSA 2009-01-31 03:51 
 Re: Professional oboe players Question  new
Dutchy 2009-01-31 14:21 
 Re: Professional oboe players Question  new
Oboewan 2009-02-18 21:53 
 Re: Professional oboe players Question  new
GoodWinds 2009-02-20 06:48 
 Re: Professional oboe players Question  new
Chris P 2009-02-19 12:16 

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