Author: Dutchy
Date: 2008-01-24 13:46
My advice would be that at this stage, don't focus too much on what your "corners" look like. Some teachers can be fairly obsessive about corners, yadda yadda yadda, but really, if you just focus on a good embouchure, the corners position happens by itself.
Your mouth should be like a rounded, muscular cushion for the reed. In photos of people playing the oboe, it *looks* like they're clamping down on the reed with their lips, going "mmm", but what you can't see is that actually they're not.
Try this: put the reed on your bottom lip, resting lightly. Then say the word "home" as you roll the reed a little bit more into your mouth and at the same time gently wrap your lips around the reed. You should then find that your lips are forming more of a rounded whistling position than a clamping "mmm" position.
Are these two instructors both oboe instructors, i.e. are they oboe specialists, or are they just band directors or music teachers who happen to know a bit about playing the oboe? One of our collective pet peeves here is band directors who only know about playing the oboe what they learned way back in music college in the semester on "Woodwinds", and who then attempt to teach kids how to play the oboe.