The Clarinet BBoard
Author: musica
Date: 2025-03-09 17:52
Just wondering… Do synthetic reeds wear down mouthpiece tips faster than cane ?
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Author: SecondTry
Date: 2025-03-09 21:35
First: I don't know.
Second: I'd be surprised, but not shocked, if there is a consensus here.
Third: If there is a consensus I have no idea if cane or non-cane reeds are seen as more abrasive.
Fourth: If there is in fact consensus on difference I would be surprised if that difference on wear and tear would be so large as to effect a large change to the financial cost of being a clarinet player that much in terms of need to reface or re-purchase a name brand mouthpiece played out of the box without modification.
I'm curious, but am of the opinion that choice of reed material should be about what does most for a player's ability to express themselves.
Conflict of interest: I normally play cane but have been known to swap in a Legere French cut on bad reed days.
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Author: Paul Aviles
Date: 2025-03-09 23:32
That's an interesting question. I've been using Legere exclusively for about ten years and (oddly for me) I've been using mostly one mouthpiece during that time. I can't say that I have noticed any wear at all. There is some dulling of the playing surface of the rails but I wouldn't call that wear per se. I do recall early on in my playing days I had used a Hite pretty consistently and thought enough of the "rounding" of the rails after a year or so to ask Hite to address this with a refacing. Now my sensibilities have changed over the years but I'd say that if I thought enough to ask about the facing then there must have been some appreciable wear. It would make sense that a more irregular surface that you get from a piece of wood should be more "abrasive." But there is NOTHING scientific or really that accurate when memory is the main component.
................Paul Aviles
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