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 EXCLUDING Clarinets, What Is Your Favourite Musical Instrument?
Author: Chris P 
Date:   2025-03-05 22:17

While this is a clarinet based message board, it doesn't necessarily mean that as a clarinettist, clarinet player or clarinet enthusiast that the clarinet in any shape or form has to be your ultimate favourite musical instrument.

With the exception of clarinets (specifically ALL clarinets), what is your favourite musical instrument?

I've always been a fan of oboes and harpsichords, although to narrow it down to one instrument, then it's cor anglais for me.

Former oboe finisher
Howarth of London
1998 - 2010

The opinions I express are my own.

Post Edited (2025-03-05 22:17)

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 Re: EXCLUDING Clarinets, What Is Your Favourite Musical Instrument?
Author: Philip Caron 
Date:   2025-03-05 22:33

These days, voice. For many past years, piano. I get some of my best inspiration from listening to singers.

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 Re: EXCLUDING Clarinets, What Is Your Favourite Musical Instrument?
Author: lmliberson 
Date:   2025-03-05 23:36

I totally agree with Philip - if we all aspire to sing and make music with the clarinet (or any instrument, actually), it is the voice that serves as an example.

I would always - without exception - have my students sing a phrase in order to listen to themselves and feel the music with the clarinet removed from the equation. It was a rare occasion when one of them could initially play a phrase on the clarinet as musically well as they could sing it. Just like we speak in phrases naturally, we can often sing in a similar fashion - even as we might have a lousy singing voice!

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 Re: EXCLUDING Clarinets, What Is Your Favourite Musical Instrument?
Author: David H. Kinder 
Date:   2025-03-06 00:04

Oboe and french horn. When played exceptionally well, they tend to just 'heal the soul'.

Ridenour AureA Bb clarinet
Ridenour Homage mouthpiece
Vandoren Optimum Silver ligature (plate 1)
Vandoren #3 reeds

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 Re: EXCLUDING Clarinets, What Is Your Favourite Musical Instrument?
Author: clartl 
Date:   2025-03-06 23:24

i agree with david on this one. A nice in-tune oboe with great tone is unbeatable

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 Re: EXCLUDING Clarinets, What Is Your Favourite Musical Instrument?
Author: Tom H 
Date:   2025-03-07 02:53

Flugalhorn. I own one and used it while teaching beginning band students and also occasionally took a solo on it with the HS jazz band I taught.

The Most Advanced Clarinet Book--
tomheimer.ampbk.com/ Sheet Music Plus item A0.1001315, Musicnotes product no. MB0000649.

Boreal Ballad for unaccompanied clarinet-Sheet Music Plus item A0.1001314.
Musicnotes product no. MNO287475

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 Re: EXCLUDING Clarinets, What Is Your Favourite Musical Instrument?
Author: mddds 
Date:   2025-03-07 05:00

Cor Anglais and French Horn.

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 Re: EXCLUDING Clarinets, What Is Your Favourite Musical Instrument?
Author: Tony F 
Date:   2025-03-07 12:43

Cor Anglais and Euphonium.

Tony F.

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 Re: EXCLUDING Clarinets, What Is Your Favourite Musical Instrument?
Author: Mike M 
Date:   2025-03-07 21:17

Bass (electric bass in particular).
Our daughter (a very-good violinist) played electric bass in her school's jazz band.
I remember her telling me that the frets made it way-easier....
fast forward:
I broke-out her bass during Covid and started playing scales/arpeggios (I'm a classical muso) just for something to do - rather than think about all of my cancelled gigs that year.

I have since continued to play bass as a release from my normal ww practice routine.

For the past several months I have played bass in a 2x per month "jam" with a guitarist and drummer playing classic rock; Clapton, AC/DC, etc. I am having a ball.

Allegro Chamber Players

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 Re: EXCLUDING Clarinets, What Is Your Favourite Musical Instrument?
Author: ghoulcaster 
Date:   2025-03-07 21:59

Hawaiian steel guitar.

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 Re: EXCLUDING Clarinets, What Is Your Favourite Musical Instrument?
Author: kilo 
Date:   2025-03-07 22:07


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 Re: EXCLUDING Clarinets, What Is Your Favourite Musical Instrument?
Author: David Spiegelthal 2017
Date:   2025-03-08 03:32


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 Re: EXCLUDING Clarinets, What Is Your Favourite Musical Instrument?
Author: GenericClarinet129 
Date:   2025-03-08 03:52

It would probably be the pipe organ.

Post Edited (2025-03-08 03:53)

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 Re: EXCLUDING Clarinets, What Is Your Favourite Musical Instrument?
Author: Philip Caron 
Date:   2025-03-08 05:53

Chris, harpsichord seems a rare contender for favorite instrument nowadays. A good one played by a capable and understanding performer can be brilliantly illuminating. Dynamics conveyed by compositional augmentation and diminution. I used to enjoy the D. Scarlatti sonatas on harpsichord. In modern times it's often used for an exotic, sometimes menacing or even wild effect.

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 Re: EXCLUDING Clarinets, What Is Your Favourite Musical Instrument?
Author: ACCA 
Date:   2025-03-08 12:29

Alto saxophone

{runs and hides ;)}

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 Re: EXCLUDING Clarinets, What Is Your Favourite Musical Instrument?
Author: jdbassplayer 
Date:   2025-03-08 19:03

Bass oboe, specifically large bore instruments like the Heckelphone and Lupophone. They just have such a beautiful tone.


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 Re: EXCLUDING Clarinets, What Is Your Favourite Musical Instrument?
Author: 2cekce 2017
Date:   2025-03-10 00:11

Would be the flute for me. I also double on it.

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