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 Ridenour and Copeland Clarinets
Author: Violins_ 
Date:   2025-03-01 18:11

First Post!!!
How are their horns Specifically the AureA and Harmonia horns respectively.

Has anyone here had issues with plating or keywork quality do they last a while?

My aunt has a ridenour C clarinet and Bass that I have played and I found them ok I felt the keywork was a little flimsy but she hasn’t really had issues except key plating on her C clarinet and the stock case falling apart twice. But she has also played it daily for years in some not ideal conditions but my current student Yamaha has the same issue in the same spot but it is also 21 years older.

What are this community’s thoughts.

Elliot Bentley

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 Re: Ridenour and Copeland Clarinets
Author: Burt 
Date:   2025-03-01 23:12

I love my Ridenour Libertas EXCEPT FOR THE PLATING. The keys corroded down to the copper. My only remedy was to use silver nail polish covered with clear nail polish, and it looks like I will have to touch up certain areas soon.

I never had this problem in 60 years with my old Buffet (wood) which had dull keys.

I no longer have the Libertas case, which I used for the Buffet when I sold it.

Burt Marks

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 Re: Ridenour and Copeland Clarinets
Author: David H. Kinder 
Date:   2025-03-02 01:18

I have the AureA and I am VERY pleased with it. I inadvertently created my own plating issue where it got down to the copper. I used a Caswell silver plating kit to correct it. Very happy with the results I got using that. (The AureA has silver plated keys and gold posts.)

The gold plating wore down quite rapidly using a more abrasive silver/gold cleaning cloth, so I'd be careful using that going forward. I used the same silver plating kit on the gold posts so it's all silver-plated now.

I've found that some of the keys needed more silencing cork than what it originally came with. Maybe some of the felt got loose? I got a small sheet of laminated sheet cork from MusicMedic and applied it in various parts on my instrument.

The keywork is otherwise solid. I did need to get a spring tightened by my local tech, but that was minor.

I love the tonality and musicality I can create with my AureA and I'm glad I have it.

Ridenour AureA Bb clarinet
Ridenour Homage mouthpiece
Vandoren Optimum Silver ligature (plate 1)
Vandoren #3 reeds

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 Re: Ridenour and Copeland Clarinets
Author: jimk 
Date:   2025-03-04 00:18

Last fall I bought a Copeland Harmonia Eflat. Silver keys and silver posts. I bought it mainly for a particular project, but after the project was over I only play it occasionally. No problems with the plating. I've thought the keys could be firmer, but NONE have bent and stayed noticeably bent.

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