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 Marca Unic
Author: graham 
Date:   2025-02-24 16:47

Has anyone tried Marca’s synthetic reed- Unic? Two different styles and both clarinet and bass (and saxophone) covered. If so, any views?



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 Re: Marca Unic
Author: Dan Shusta 
Date:   2025-02-24 21:20

I never heard of this synthetic brand before so I did a search on the Internet...


Oh my...$40.00 and they come in only strengths 3 & 4.

Maybe they're less expensive elsewhere...

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 Re: Marca Unic
Author: mqaa 
Date:   2025-02-25 13:38

Looks like there are two variants and not just 3's and 4's.


The marking text:
Thanks To Their Revolutionary Hybrid Technology, Combining Natural Cane And Synthetic Fibers, These Reeds Ensure Exceptional Tonal Consistency, An Extended Lifespan Of Up To 6 Months, And Optimal Resistance To Climatic And Hygrometric Variations.

Not sure how they are made.

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 Re: Marca Unic
Author: graham 
Date:   2025-02-25 20:31

The factory issues them in a wide range of strenghts, but what makes it through the distribution channels is another story.

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 Re: Marca Unic
Author: Chris P 
Date:   2025-02-25 23:16

I thought Unic was the commercial vehicle division of Fiat.

Former oboe finisher
Howarth of London
1998 - 2010

The opinions I express are my own.

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