The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Bill
Date: 2025-01-29 06:11
Any insights into what was going on with Buffet in 1952? I just acquired a Buffet with serial number 4499x. It's several hundred serial numbers away from Alvin Swiney's dreaded "39,000 to 41,000," which (according to him) are the "bad bore" Buffets.
Bill Fogle
Ellsworth, Maine
(formerly Washington, DC)
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Author: m1964
Date: 2025-01-30 21:05
I don’t know how a single person can make such a generalized statement.
These instruments are over 70 y. old. A lot depends on how they were used, stored, etc.
I had a couple of pre-R13s and they played well.
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Author: Bill
Date: 2025-02-04 22:10
I mis-spoke (or, "mis-typed"). What I meant to ask was if anyone had experience playing a Buffet at that serial # range and what their impressions were. But I agree with you 100%, time and tide can change individual instuments in many ways. No generalizations intended.
Bill Fogle
Ellsworth, Maine
(formerly Washington, DC)
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Author: m1964
Date: 2025-02-05 01:59
If the clarinet you got has no cracks or other significant issues, I would have it overhauled because you, most likely, would recoup the money spent if you do not like it.
Those pre-R13 clarinets play with less resistance but have less "sophisticated" tone quality compared to the later R13s.
In general, they sound good and are in tune (more or less). And are easy to play because of low resistance.
However, you would not know how your plays until it is restored properly.
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Author: Bill
Date: 2025-02-05 05:26
m1964 wrote:
> Bill,
> If the clarinet you got has no cracks or other significant
> issues, I would have it overhauled because you, most likely,
> would recoup the money spent if you do not like it.
> Those pre-R13 clarinets play with less resistance but have less
> "sophisticated" tone quality compared to the later R13s.
> In general, they sound good and are in tune (more or less). And
> are easy to play because of low resistance.
> However, you would not know how your plays until it is restored
> properly.
Thanks. I have 12 pre-R-13 clarinets, which I prefer to the three "Golden age" R-13s I own. I did some repairs on my new-to-me 4499x clarinet today and it plays with a nice tone, but there are other issues. But it has found a good home with me.
Bill Fogle
Ellsworth, Maine
(formerly Washington, DC)
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Author: m1964
Date: 2025-02-06 05:50
Bill wrote:
“I have 12 pre-R-13 clarinets, which I prefer to the
three "Golden age" R-13s I own. I did some repairs on my
new-to-me 4499x clarinet today and it plays with a nice tone,
but there are other issues. But it has found a good home with
Nice collection!
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Author: DumbleJum
Date: 2025-02-12 11:52
In 1952, Buffet Crampon was producing clarinets and other woodwinds known for their craftsmanship and quality.
fnaf 1
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