The Clarinet BBoard
Author: DougR
Date: 2025-01-17 20:49
Hi folks. I am looking SPECIFICALLY for a tuner (or possibly more of an ear-training app) that generates 2 tones in close but not identical pitch, and asks the listener whether tone A is sharp or flat to the given tone.
(Hope I'm explaining that clearly.)
I've had some hearing loss lately, and seem to have lost a lot of the ability to tell where my horn is pitch wise relative to my neighbor's when playing in an ensemble. I mean, I can hear that I'm out, but I can't tell if I'm sharp or flat.
Any suggestion would be welcome. Thanks in advance.
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Author: Natam17
Date: 2025-01-17 23:25
This website has what you need, I think.
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Author: DougR
Date: 2025-01-19 17:03
thanks, Natam, a game! (I did better than I thought I would.)
Chris--that's brilliant, for generating 2 simultaneous tones and teaching myself which is sharp, which is flat.
EXACTLY the kinds of tool I was looking for. Thanks gents.
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Author: Chris P
Date: 2025-01-20 13:48
It's interesting to play around by stacking up the natural harmonic series of 110Hz so there aren't any warbles or wavering which you will experience with equal temperament. Even putting just one of the generated frequencies out by 1hz will create a warble.
For the record this is the first time I've ever taken this in-depth look at the physics of the natural harmonic series in a numerical way (as I don't do maths), so every day is a school day.
110, 220, 330, 440, 550, 660, 770, 880, 990, 1100, 1210, 1320, 1430, 1540, 1650, 1760, 1870, 1980, 2090, 2200, 2310, 2420, 2530, 2640, 2750, 2860, 2970, 3080, 3190, 3300, 3410, 3520, 3630, 3740, 3850, 3960, 4070, 4180, ...
Former oboe finisher
Howarth of London
1998 - 2010
The opinions I express are my own.
Post Edited (2025-01-21 13:45)
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